Kolawole Bisiriyu.
Cigarette is a killer. The danger is not just Lung Cancer but other cancers and other related illnesses. The smoker and those who inhale the smoke are victims of the deadly effect of the cigarette smoke. The earlier a person starts to smoke the greater is the long-term damage to his life.

What am I saying? You have your life to gain and much more than your life to loose as a smoker and a second hand smoker. If you want to know what you will loose besides your life think think...Well I will help you a bit, you will loose everything that ever mattered to you ok and possibly die a horrible death.

Don't be scared! It is the simple truth. . Smoking causes greatly increased risk of heart disease, especially if you are overweight, inactive or have high cholesterol.

If heart disease runs in your family, then you are liable to a sudden heart attack. Let me highlight 6 unique ways to quit smoking right now to you. It is very simple and I assure you if you diligently hearken to what I tell you today you will gain your life back.

But if you will not abide kindly tell someone else to read the article. I know you are saying everyone will die someday. Yes that is true but I choose to die honorably in good old age and not on a life machine. Let us look out for some ways to quit.

1. In your seated position try and look at the later end of your life as a smoker. What do you see? Does it scare you? I will tell you what I see. I see you languishing on a hospital bed using a ventilator to keep you alive.

You have been diagnosed of LUNG CANCER and there is no way for you to live any longer but to die a poor and helpless fellow. Having thought of that, maybe you may want to know why you must not go that way. Simple, quit smoking.

2. Getting informed is to be transformed. You have to get the necessary information to help you kiss the habit goodbye. By simply acting on the instructions given in the information you stumble on, I have no doubt that you will quit and be distinguished thereafter.

Get information, maybe an e-book, audio or videos or any quit smoking aid that can help you.

3. Will power. Be determined to stop smoking. Behave and think like a non-smoker. Do not center your thoughts on smoking or places that encourage you to smoke. Stay away from smokers at all times.

4. Spend more of your free time with people that you will not be comfortable smoking in their presence. Possibly people that you fellowship with. I am talking about spiritual brethren.

5. Avoid activities that encourage you to smoke, such as partying, clubbing hanging out with smokers.e.tc.It will not be easy but it is a very necessary sacrifice. In which you will be glad you did.

6. Hypnosis. Since smoking is mental thing. Hypnosis works like gangbusters and in a matter of hours you will experience no cravings. You will be gaining more life, energy, money and your loved ones back.

Friend, do not be a walking corpse. Take charge today and live a happy and fulfilled life.


Quitting Smoking is as easy as ABC. It doesn't matter who you are. Your age, status and wallet do not count and more importantly how long you have been a smoker. Here are the secrets that will make quitting smoking like child’s play and you getting to quit whenever you desire.EVEN NOW! Click Here To See The Details
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